St. John the Wonderworker

St. John Maximovich 
Life of St. John, Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco (short)

Books about St. John:
1. Lantern of Grace
2. Exodus: St. John Maximovitch Leads His Flock Out of Shanghai
3. Service and Akathist to St. John
4. Blessed John the Wonderworker: A Preliminary Account 
5. Man of God: St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco
6. (Children's book) Life of St. John 
7. (Children's book) St. John and Goolya

Writings by or about St. John: 
1. (Homily) On the Feast of the Lord's Theophany 
2. (Article) In the Footsteps of St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco 
3. (Book) The Orthodox Veneration of the Mother of God, by St. John
4. (Article) Life and Miracles of St. John 
5. (Online Booklet/Free) Archbishop John the Wonderworker 
6. Sternness and Sanctity
7. (Sermons Online/Free) Selected Sermons of St. John
St. John visiting his parents in Venezuela 
Film about St. John: The Life of St. John Maximovitch

St. John, blessing with holy water
Reliquary of St. John in San Francisco:
1. Joy of All Who Sorrow 
2. Uncovering of the Relics of St. John
3. Services at the Cathedral where his relics are
Service of the Glorification of St. John (Vigil)

St. John DVD Trailer